Common Questions
How does Polk State College accept the Florida State Fire Certificates for credits towards the Fire Science Technology, A.S. degree?
Polk State College will only accept the following fire certificates issued by Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training, These State Fire Certificates have passed the Pearson Vue exam, a third-party, testing center that is considered the “Gold Standard” for this process.
Fire Officer I
Fire Officer II
Inspector I
Inspector ll
Investigator or Investigator lMinimum Standards (Certificate of Compliance) – an elective for 3 credits.
Will my Minimum Standards (Certificate of Compliance) count for credits?
Yes! “Certificate of Compliance” Firefighter II/Minimum Standards applies towards 3 credits in the elective category. This state certificate has to be the one issued by the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST). It will NOT accept certificates issued by the technical schools or academies.
Is there additional cost for the articulation of the fire certificates into credits?
There is no additional cost to the student for Polk State College accepting or processing these credits into the Associate in Science in Fire Science Technology Program.
Can the articulated fire credits apply towards a different AS degree at Polk State College?
No. These fire credits can only be applied to the Associate in Science in Fire Science Technology degree.
Can the Fire Science Technology AS degree be used towards a four-year degree?
Yes! Once a student achieves the AS Associate in Science in Fire Science Technology degree, all 60 credits can be applied towards a higher degree, such as a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration.
When looking at the curriculum (see current catalog information) for this degree, which chart (A or B) applies to me?
The issued certificate date of the Fire Officer l is very important. It is what determines the particular Fire Science curriculum that it applies to! It will be either Charts A or B (see curriculum document). This also identifies the number of credits awarded.
Will Polk State College accept individual, 45-hour fire courses for credits?
No fire course(s) or fire course(s) transcript will be accepted! This is a hard-and-fast rule that applies to these fire courses.
Fire science courses are only articulated into Polk State credits if the individual attains the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training Certifications or a combination of these State Certifications as listed in the catalog (i.e., Fire Officer I (new version), Fire Officer I (old version), Fire Officer II, Fire Safety Inspector I, Fire Safety Inspector II, and Investigator (new version) or Investigator I (old version) and the elective of 3 credits for Minimum Standards – “Certificate of Compliance”). These State certifications are verified by Pearson Vue or a similarly approved third-party testing service; therefore, no individual fire courses are accepted by transcript.
The student must bring the originally issued state certification (as listed above) to the Winter Haven Campus Administration Building (WAD). The certification is copied and placed into the student’s record, and the original certification is returned to the student. Articulation credit is provided at no cost to the student.
Note: In 2022, the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training discontinued the practice of automatically issuing a printed certificate; however, a student may specifically request a printed certificate. Polk State College verifies the fire certificate by accessing the student’s state fire records at the Fire College Department of Insurance Continuing Education (FCDICE), State of Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training. The student and FCDICE must coordinate to allow access to records. Information about these certifications is available at the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training website (
Who do I contact if I need help?
Please contact Fire Science Technology Coordinator Jim Davis for any questions or concerns. He will be glad to help you!
Thank you!
For assistance or support:
Jim Davis, M.A.
Fire Science Coordinator, AS Degree Program
Polk State College
Cell: 863.781.2768Where do I bring these certificates?
Bring the original certificate to Polk State College’s Registrar’s Office on the Winter Haven Campus in the Administration Building (WAD). If a student does not have the State Certificates, Polk State College can verify the fire certificate by accessing the student’s state fire records at the Fire College Department of Insurance Continuing Education (FCDICE), State of Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training. The student and FCDICE must coordinate to allow access to records. Information about these certifications is available at the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training website (
Note: In 2022, the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training discontinued the practice of automatically issuing a printed certificate; however, a student may specifically request a printed certificate.
I am not a Florida State Certified Firefighter. How can I become one?
If a student is not currently a Florida State Certified Firefighter and would like to become one, he or she must earn the State of Florida Firefighter I and II Certification (called “Certificate of Compliance” or Minimum Fire Standards). This basic training is provided in nearly 40 approved training centers throughout Florida. This is a comprehensive course that involves 400+/- of practical and academic work. This certification must be attained through a state certified fire academy such as the one at Ridge Technical College (Ridge Fire Academy), 7700 State Road 544, Winter Haven, FL 33881; Telephone: 863.419.3060. Ridge Technical College is a separate program from the Polk State Fire Science Technology Program.
To become employed as a full-time firefighter in Florida, an applicant must hold a State of Florida Firefighter I and II, “Certificate of Compliance” and a Paramedic or EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certificate by the State of Florida. Most students take their EMT first. Also, some fire academies require EMT to be a prerequisite prior to the training for Firefighter I and II.
Also, they must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or GED, and a valid Florida driver’s license. Some Fire Departments only require EMT instead of Paramedic certification. Also, a high level of physical fitness is required. This requires good leg, back, core, and grip strength, as well as above-average cardio/endurance. Each fire department and training academy has different levels of physical fitness requirements and physical testing. Most departments require a high level of dependability, teamwork, compassion towards others, discipline, and commitment. Fire departments operate under a quasi-military, chain-of-command organizational structure.
Polk State College offers an excellent program for both EMT and paramedics.
Do I need to be a Florida State Certified Firefighter to obtain a Fire Science Technology degree at Polk State College?
It is strongly recommended (but not required) that students attain the State of Florida Firefighter I and II Certification prior to pursuing the Fire Officer Certifications that are part of the articulated credit requirements for the Polk State Associate in Science in Fire Science Technology. However, to obtain the Fire Officer I certification (part of most options in this degree), a student shall be a State of Florida Firefighter. There is one category (Table A, Option V, Fire Safety), that does not require someone to become a State of Florida Certified Firefighter. This option is for students who do not hold the Firefighter I Certification. This is intended for risk managers, safety personnel, fire marshal personnel, insurance investigators, fire engineers, etc.
I hold an out-of-state, national, or military fire certifications or courses. How can I use these towards the Fire Science Technology degree
Firefighters who hold out-of-state, national, or military certifications or fire courses must contact the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) and ask for an equivalency review to determine what is needed to satisfy or convert these certifications to Florida Fiore Certifications. For more information, students should contact the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training, 11655 NW Gainesville Rd, Ocala, FL 34482-1486; Telephone: 352.369.2800.
If these courses are not currently available at Ridge Technical College, please check with the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST). They are the State of Florida regulatory pro-board that oversees the training providers. BFST keeps a current list of Fire Science courses that are offered throughout the State of Florida. Often, there are private providers that offer these courses at reduced rates and fully online.
Can I submit copies or email copies of my certificates for credits instead of originals?
No copies or emailed copies are accepted! Also, no mailed-in or handed-in copies (unless they are originals).
The student must bring the originally issued state certification (as listed in the catalog) to the Winter Haven Campus Administration Building (WAD). The certification is copied and placed into the student’s record, and the original certification is returned to the student. Articulation fire credits are provided at no cost to the student.
In 2022, the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training discontinued the practice of automatically issuing a printed certificate; however, a student may specifically request a printed certificate. Polk State College verifies the fire certificate by accessing the student’s state fire records at the Fire College Department of Insurance Continuing Education (FCDICE), State of Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training. The student and FCDICE must coordinate to allow access to records. Information about these certifications is available at the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training website (
I do not have the original (printed) fire certifications as described for the articulation of fire credits. How can I receive credits for these certifications?
In 2022, the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training discontinued the practice of automatically issuing a printed certificate; however, a student may specifically request a printed certificate.
Polk State College will verify the fire certificate by accessing the student’s state fire records at the Fire College Department of Insurance Continuing Education (FCDICE), State of Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training. The student and FCDICE must coordinate to allow access to records. Information about these certifications is available at the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training website (
Since Polk State College does not actually offer the required Fire Science classes, where can I take them? Online? Cost?
Polk State College does not provide direct instruction for any fire courses. The student has the flexibility of finding the fire (FFP, ATPC, or BFST) courses that are best suited for them, this includes online or traditional classes, scheduling, cost, and location.
Fire Science courses can be taken from a variety of sources including the local fire academy:
Ridge Technical College
7700 State Road 544
Winter Haven, FL 33881
Phone: 863.419.3060Information about these various Fire Science courses offered throughout the State of Florida is available at the Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) website ( They also offer fire courses and dorms at their BFST training facility in Ocala, Florida.
The general education requirements at Polk State College for this degree can be taken in a variety of methods, online, blended, or traditional classrooms, depending on availability.
The Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) incorporates three fire course prefixes: FFP, BFST, and ATPC. The corresponding course title, curriculum, learning outcomes, and four-digit numbering of courses remained the same. Which of these three prefixes are accepted for credits at Polk State College towards the Fire Science Technology A.S. program?
All three prefixes equally apply towards a corresponding State Fire Certification. Therefore, all three prefixes are accepted for articulation of credits at Polk State College through State Certification (i.e., Fire Officer I (new version), Fire Officer I (old version), Fire Officer II, Fire Safety Inspector I, Fire Safety Inspector II, and Investigator (new version) or Investigator I (old version)).
What is the Civic Literacy Competency in civic literacy requirement? How does it apply to the Fire Science Technology, A.S. Degree (effective Fall 2022)?
Yes! All students receiving an Associate in Science degree are required to comply with the following State of Florida requirements. To see how you can comply with or satisfy this requirement, check with your academic advisor!
Pursuant to Rule 6A-10.02413 of the Florida Administrative Code, effective Fall 2022 competency in civic literacy is a requirement for all students receiving an Associate in Science degree. Competency in civic literacy must be demonstrated in the following ways:
Successful completion of one of the following courses:
- AMH 1010
- AMH 1020 – History of the United States: 1877 to the Present
- POS 2041 – American National Government
AND Florida Civic Literacy Examination (Score of 60% or better) Or completing one of the following assessments with the score indicated:
- AP Government and Politics: United States (Score of 3 or better)
- AP United States History (Score of 4 or better)
- CLEP: American Government (Score of 50 or better)
- Florida Civic Literacy Examination (Score of 60% or better)
Note: All approved accelerated credit is listed in the Credit-By-Exam Equivalencies. The Credit-by-Exam section of the Florida State Articulation Committee website provides further details.