Non-Discrimination Statements

Polk State College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution committed to excellence through diversity in education and employment. The College complies with all state and federal laws granting rights to students, employees, and applicants for employment or admission to the College.

Listed below are Polk State College’s Non-Discrimination Statements in English, Spanish, and Creole. You will see both the long and short statements. The statements are non-discrimination notices that are used in Polk State College’s rules and procedures,  publications, and the College’s website.

Non-Discrimination Statement (long)

Below is the continuous non-discrimination statement (long) in English, Spanish, and Creole.

Equal Access/Equal Opportunity

Polk State College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender transition, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, disability, or pregnancy in its programs, activities, or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Lonnie Thompson
Chief of Institutional Compliance & Engagement
Title IX Coordinator
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL  33881
WAD  215A
863.297.1000, ext. 5378

Igual Acceso/Igualdad de Oportunidades

Polk State College no discrimina en cuestiones de raza, color, origen nacional o étnico, sexo, edad, religión, orientación sexual,  identidad de género, estado civil, condición de veterano, información genética, incapacidad, o embarazo en sus programas, actividades, o empleo. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para estar a cargo de cualquier pregunta en cuanto a las políticas de no discriminación:

Lonnie Thompson
Chief of Institutional Compliance & Engagement
Title IX Coordinator
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL  33881
WAD  215A
863.297.1000, ext. 5378

Menm aksè/Menm opòtinite

Polk State College pa diskrimine sou baz ras, koulè, nasyonalite, etnisite, sèks, laj, relijyon, oryantasyon seksyèl, idantite seksyèl, kondisyon matrimonyal, kondisyon veteran, enfòmasyon jenetik, enfimite, oubyen gwosès nan tout pwogram, aktivite, ou travay li yo. Moun ki anba a la pou reponn ak tout keksyon konsènan politik non-diskriminasyon yo:

Lonnie Thompson
Chief of Institutional Compliance & Engagement
Title IX Coordinator
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL  33881
WAD  215A
863.297.1000, ext. 5378

Non-Discrimination Statement (short)

Below is the non-discrimination statement (short) in English, Spanish, and Creole.

Polk State College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. For additional information, visit

Polk State College se compromete a la igualdad de acceso/igualdad de oportunidades en sus programas, actividades, y empleo. Para más información, visite

Polk State College pran angajman pou bay tout moun menm dwa ak opòtinite nan tout pwogram, aktivite, ak travay li yo. Pou plis enfòmasyon, vizite