How to Apply

Applying is as EASY as 1-2-3

  1. + 1. Review the following information

    • Cumulative GPA requirement is 2.5.
    • Complete prerequisite courses: ENC1101, PSY2012, and BSC2085C
        • BSC2085C must be taken within five years of application.
        • For the three prerequisite courses, the combined GPA must also be 2.5.
            • If a student has successfully completed a higher-level course than the prerequisites, the committee will review for consideration of meeting the requirement.
    • Admitted students must:
        1. pass a drug test,
        2.  a level II background check and
            • A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to attain state licensure.
            • Anyone who has a felony conviction is required to meet with the program director before applying to the program.
        3. demonstrate the program‘s Essential Requirements.
    • If you have questions or need more information, please email the OTA team at
    • Veterans or veteran dependents, out of respect and gratitude to veterans of the U.S. Military, the OTA Program reserves two (2) seats each year for veterans.
  2. + 2. Complete the following tasks

    • Be admitted to Polk State College – Students who have never attended Polk State College must complete the admission process before applying to the OTA Program. This includes completing the College online orientation, submitting transcripts to the Registrar’s Office, and obtaining a Polk State College student email account.
          • Transcripts and admission documentation must be submitted and processed by Polk State College’s Registrar’s Office before applying to the program. Please note: This process will take 6 to 8 weeks.
          •  Students should follow the registrar’s information here.
    • ‘Observations Hours are preferred’, please use this form to document observation hours and answer the questions to the best of your ability.  If you have difficulty locating facilities that will allow you to observe Occupational Therapy please complete the form that has 3 questions about OT and submit a statement regarding your difficulty locating a facility that would allow you to complete observation hours.
          • Complete this form by answering the three (3) stated questions.  Save and submit this form as part of the application process (Sept 1-30).
    • Resume – Include your current resume. If needed, use this Resume Template to assist with developing a resume, which is to be submitted during the application period.
    • Read the Essential Requirements.
    • Attend an Informational session about the OTA program
  3. + 3. Submit your application through Etrieve

    • Note: Google Chrome’s web browser is recommended.
    • All applicants (including Linkage and Veteran seat seekers) must complete the OTA application.
    • Decisions will be sent to the Polk State College email address you applied with after the admissions committee meets the second week of October. Please remember to check your junk/spam folder.
    • Polk State College reserves the right to make changes in the admission criteria as circumstances require. Every reasonable effort will be made to communicate changes in the program to interested students.
  4. + Selection Process


      • A total of two seats are allocated to prospective candidates from Pasco-Hernando State College and Hillsborough Community College applying via the Linkage Program. Prospective linkage applicants may find detailed instructions in the Linkage Handbook available from the academic advisors at their respective colleges.
      • The application window for linkage candidates opens at 9 a.m. on September 1 and closes on September 15. Selected candidates are notified via electronic mail by mid-October.
      • Linkage applicants may submit the electronic application only after meeting with an academic advisor at their respective Colleges to initiate the Linkage Transmittal Form. The Linkage Transmittal Form must be submitted to the linkage administrator at Polk State College by August 15. Applicants neglecting to follow this process will not be considered for admission, and applications will not be acknowledged.
      • No application is considered until all necessary Polk State College admission documentation (application to Polk State College, high school transcripts, college transcripts if applicable, residency paperwork, etc.) has been received and processed by the Registrar’s Office.
      • Preference will be given to the student with a higher GPA if more than one qualified applicant from the same institution applies for the same seat.
      • Unused linkage slots will revert to general admission students.


      • Two seats are allocated on a first-come, first-qualified basis to prospective qualified veterans enrolled at Polk State College. Students must meet with the Coordinator of Veteran Services to determine eligibility before initiating the following process:
      • After establishing veteran eligibility, students need to meet with an academic advisor to determine if the admission criteria for the program are met.
      • Academic advisors will forward qualified applications and related documents (transmittal form, observation hours form, resume, transcripts) directly to the OTA Program Director from July 15 to August 15.
      • If more than two qualified applicants apply for the seats, preference will be given to the students with the highest GPAs. In the event of applicants having the same GPA, seats will be assigned to the student(s) who applied first (based on the date and time posted on the application form).
      • The two selected veteran applicants will be notified via email shortly after August 15.
      • Between September 1 and September 15, the two selected veteran applicants must complete the online application for the OTA Program, which is available on the program webpage.
      • Veteran students who were not selected will have the opportunity to apply again through the general admission process from September 1 through September 30.
      • Unassigned seats will revert to general admission students.


      • The remaining seats are allocated to general admission, qualified students.
      • Ten additional applicants are designated as alternates.
      • The application window for general admission opens at 9 a.m. on September 1 and is open through September 30.
          1. The OTA Selection Committee utilizes a point system as a guide in the selection of qualified students for the OTA Program.   
          2. Areas evaluated by the committee include college GPA, prerequisite GPA, Polk County residency, related experiences in the field, and corequisite and General Education courses completed.   

    Note: Email for more information or questions regarding this process.

    • No application is considered until all necessary Polk State College admission documentation (application to Polk State College, high school transcripts, college transcripts if applicable, residency paperwork, etc.) has been received and processed by the Registrar’s Office.
    • Selected candidates and alternates for general admission are notified via email mid-October.
    • All students admitted into the OTA program must attend the required New Student Orientation Day in November.  The date and time of the orientation day will be indicated in the acceptance Polk State College email.